"I don't do windows"
At least that is what I should have said on my job application.
Among all the jobs that there are rebuilding vintage campers.....windows are now my least favorite.
It seems when you think you are getting things done...more stuff come along.
I know it's hard to be picky about the campers we buy but if at all possible "DON"T BUY A CAMPER WITH CORROSION ON THE WINDOWS".....yeah right....like that is possible.
It is a lot of work to get the corrosion off of this aluminum.
Do you know WHY?
Because sandpaper and such is made from the SAME THING.
Aluminum Oxide......that is tough stuff.
BUT it can be done. 3M/Scotchbrite products can be your friend.
also using some Aluminum Brightener helps.
AND for honorable mention... Nyalox products
Now with the corrosion gone you can start working on how shiny you want them to be.
This KIT will have everything you need....and more.
The brown is about what you start with.
For windows I really didn't see the need in trying finish them up to a mirror finish with the white....not mention that any left over scratches really show up if done to shiny, but that is persal choice.
There are lots of parts to these windows. With all the different models and such.
So do your homework and study the information available.
I had a couple of crank mechanisms that would require replacement.
The front window one was fairly straightforward.
Window Operator
Window Operator

NOW the short 8" Hehr window was not as easy.
Vintage campers supply does have one called
but it is not the same as what my Hehr windows had. With a few modifications this will work perfectly.
Old on the left and new modified on right.
OH...and by the way....There was a broken frame on my a window.
Aluminum fixes are NOW actually pretty easy.
Follow directions EXACTLY and they work beautifully.